Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is the Big Idea? Post1

After David Cameron's speech was in the news yesterday, I was driving to an appointment and I heard several phone-ins on BBC local radio stations around London and the tone of the comments was mostly cynical, skeptical, confused or un-trusting. This does not surprise me at all.

I am hearing this alot. So I thought I would start collecting up links to various views, conversations and resources around the subject.

My first link is to the www.NESTA.org.uk event Collaborative Consumption resource, a set of videos recorded at the second of their series on this subject.

I have started to watch the recordings of the presentations at the second event in a series. The focus of this session was 'Trust'

The event was chaired by Jon Kingsbury, Director at NESTA. Speakers included Rachel Botsman, Jonathan Simmons from Public Zone, Stan Stalnaker, founder Hub Culture, Ben Reason, Designer LiveWork and Meriel Lenfestey, founder Ecomodo.

Rachel Botsman discussed online examples of tools for building trust, quoting Ebay and TaskRabbit, AirB&B and Couchsurfing.

Jennie Winhall of www.participle.net identified 'service users' are seen as 'assets' or 'drains'. Discussed a private social network tool sponsored by NESTA and being used in Southwark to drive community interaction and turn people into 'community assets' rather than 'drains' and address the individual hoarding of services and to build trust relationships.

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