Recently I've been involved in a lot of discussions around the subject of energy saving, sustainability, green power, high power bills and the like. Picking the bones out of these discussions would leave me with pile on bones, but to break down all the ideas I need to get my brain around them.
To start with tackling that challenge, and to start this Blog off in a way that may help others, I will be listing the 'Smart Meters' as I find them.
Another part of this 'Wave' is the linking of devices via the Internet, the collecting of data without pre-defined goals, data mining of this and existing data. As well as the usual interests undertaking this work, we have the amateurs, the home hacker, the DIY'er with an interest.
PacHube are building such a linking function. Their site links data source input, display
via Google mapping and output feeds using XML, JSON and CSV.
In the UK there is a group, with a mix of parties, working together in a social way to build on this 'Wave' are getting together on-line, in 2nd world SIM's and in 1st life get togethers.
These are the fisrt two links that come to my mind, follow me for more. Any that you know of, and wish to note in the comments, will be welcomed, let us know any USP and any experience you have with the device or service.
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